At this time all sessions are being provided virtually through a HIPAA compliant video therapy platform. 


Please contact our practice directly to discuss your specific needs

This practice is an accepted provider for most out of network providers. We will work with you to fully understand and utilize your benefits.

Speaking &

1 hour personal session or consultation:

*This fee applies while completing the required sessions for the certificate requirements. 

SE Students


45 minute psychotherapy sessions
$150 to $225

45 minute Consultation

Treatment Modalities


Somatic Experiencing (SE™) is a body-oriented, naturalistic approach to healing trauma. It is the process of learning to listen to one’s story told through the subtle and not so subtle cues from one’s body. SE is the listening to these narratives and then the invitation to let go of the related stress through gentle, collaborative, and powerful tools of nervous system regulation. This technique can be utilized in combination with many others.

Co-Regulating Touch

Group Psychotherapy


Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing

EMDR is a highly researched model that supports the client in accessing and processing traumatic memories and other overwhelmingly stressful events.

Group sessions utilize the power of mutual support, shared experiences, and collaborative learning to support group members in healing and growing towards their desired goals. Groups can have up to 8 members present. Group offerings change periodically. 

Touch can be a critical element in the healing process for some clients. In this consent driven process, the clinician guides the client in gentle self touch practices or contacts the client in specific techniques that support nervous system regulation. 


Motivational INterviewing

Mindful Self Compassion

This approach helps clients to identify what gets in the way of making the changes they desire. Tools and techniques are used to help a person to become more attuned with their values that motivate them on a deeper level.

Mindfulness is the practice of being present and attuned to the present moment. These practices are aimed at helping individuals to come into deeper acceptance of their current state of being, while also developing deeper self compassion for one’s humanity. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This approach uses tools that help a person to modify the ways that they think and behave, allowing the client to move towards a more desirable outcome. This technique is used in collaboration with other techniques. We do not offer CBT only sessions.



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